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In these “small” museums, you will make some very original discoveries! The stories told there are all linked to human activities that have marked their times…
Dentelle of Chantilly museum
A place to explore at your own pace the 2 floors dedicated to this rare craft, starting with the different types of lace, then moving on to the specificities of Chantilly lace and its industry, to finish with the haute-couture corner. The incredible techniques and production methods are explained and many pieces, rare and precious, shawls, dresses, fans, flounces, capes,… are presented.
34, rue d’Aumale – 60500 Chantilly
Tél 03 44 67 37 37
Musée de la Mémoire des Murs
Created by Serge Ramond, an avid collector of graffiti, the musée de la Mémoire des murs (Memory of Walls Museum) houses over 3,000 mouldings of inscriptions and reliefs that evoke the daily lives of their authors.
These engraved or sculpted testimonies are like a 10,000-year “journey” from Prehistory to the present day.
60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte
Tél 03 44 24 54 81
Musée de la vénerie
You want to know more about this ancestral activity? Come and visit this very singular museum (but not suitable for sensitive people).
Installed in the beautiful buildings of the Priory Saint-Maurice de Senlis, the Musée de la Vénerie is an original establishment in Europe. Created at the beginning of the 20th century by the painter Charles Jean-Hallo, it houses an important collection relating to the art of hunting. In the atmosphere of a private residence, paintings such as those by François Desportes, painter of the royal hunts of Louis XIV, art objects such as the hunting outfits of the Princes of Condé, the Duke of Aumale and Empress Eugénie, blend with the attributes of the hunter to evoke the art and history of hunting.
Place du Parvis Notre Dame
60300 Senlis
Tél 03 44 29 49 93
Site internet
Musée d’histoire locale de la ville de Viarmes
Daily life in Viarmes in the past. Testimony of the life of the inhabitants of Viarmes, this small museum presents reconstructions of a school class, a children’s room, a kitchen, a café, a hairdresser, … around the 1900s…
Mairie de Viarmes
Place Pierre Salvi, 01 34 09 26 30
95270 Viarmes
Musée des Spahis
Senlis has hosted the Spahis regiment for thirty years. These North African cavalrymen held a special place in the French army from 1830 to 1964. Uniforms, banners, harnesses but also personal souvenirs and illustrations retrace more than a century of the history of this indigenous corps.
Place du Parvis Notre Dame
60300 Senlis
Tél 03 44 24 86 72
Site internet
Musée de la Cartoucherie
The Cartoucherie factory is, even for those who have never worked there, a very strong point of the identity of Survilliers.
A few old workers and managers have been mobilized to preserve an accessible testimony on the know-how, the machines, the social model of this place representative of the industrial history…
Located near the factory, this very original place can be visited in the company of former workers who will tell you how to make cartridges, how to survive the fulminate without fulminating and how to design the appropriate machines for these activities.
En pratique
Grande Rue – 95470 Survilliers
by appointment at 01 34 68 54 73
Site internet

La tour du guet
A place to gain height! Saint-Martin-du-Tertre, the highest village of Île de France at 200 meters above sea level is nicknamed the “Balcon d’Île-de-France”. Its 23 m high Watch Tower, built in 1840 in the troubadour style, offers a must-see view of the region. There is also a museum nestled in this atypical setting where you will know everything about Chappe’s telegraph. In 1793, Claude Chappe and his brothers invented a communication system based on optical signals emitted from the top of one tower to another. At the top of these towers were articulated wooden arms capable of sending “coded” messages, in order to be able to communicate quickly in these troubled times of revolution and war .
Saint Martin-Histoire Patrimoine Territoire
Tour du guet
Rue serret
95270 Saint-Martin-du-Tertre
01 30 35 95 33 – 06 81 22 18 68
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